Manuscripts should:
Be submitted to the Editor an e-mail attachment in document format (.doc or .rtf, not .pdf)
Be limited to thirty pages, double-spaced, including references
Endnotes and citations should be consistent with the American Sociological Association format.
To facilitate academic review and production, the author(s) must sanitize their manuscripts to include only the title, without identification of the author(s). A second file with the author(s) contact information (including name, address, phone number, current position/title, and name of universities), author(s) biography, and author(s) acknowledgments must also be submitted.
Ethics and Permissions:
Any material submitted for consideration should not have been published previously (in its current or a substantially similar form), nor should the material be under consideration with another journal.
Before article submission, the author(s) should ensure permission to use any content they have not created.
Review process:
The editor reviews each paper and, if deemed suitable for publication, sends it to at least two (usually three) independent reviewers for double-blind peer review. Based on their recommendations, the editor decides to: 1) accept the manuscript as is, 2) return it to the author(s) for revisions, or 3) reject it.
Final submission:
Please be aware that proofs will not be available for review before publication. Therefore, the author(s) should ensure that the final version sent to the editor is complete and without errors upon acceptance.
(The above are based on the Author Guidelines created by Emerald Group Publishing -