Michigan Sociological Association
2015 Annual Conference
University of Michigan - Flint, October 23-24, 2015
Conference Theme: Sociology and Civic Engagement
In this environment of alarming growth of social inequality in society, and increasing concern about this as a social problem, sociologists have an opportunity to enrich understanding of these issues using the unique perspective and tools of our discipline. “Civic engagement” is currently a popular focus, and this has potential to do social good. But sociologists know that, like other catchphrases that have become popular at other times, the lack of an awareness of relevant power issues in a term like “civic engagement” may lead to actions which do not contribute meaningfully to long term systemic reductions in social inequality.
The 2015 Annual Conference brought to bear data and theories that will help grapple with these vital issues of our time. We won’t, of course, find all the answers to the important questions we discussed; but the exploration of ideas will move all involved closer to solutions to problems of social inequality.

Keynote Speaker
George Lipsitz, Professor of Black Studies and Sociology, University of California – Santa Barbara
Title: Time Has Come Today: Why Sociology Matters Now
George Lipsitz is Professor of Black Studies and Sociology at the University of
California, Santa Barbara. He is the author of ten books including How Racism Takes Place, The Possessive Investment in Whiteness, A Rainbow at Midnight and A Life in the Struggle. Lipsitz serves as co-editor of the American Crossroads series at the University of California Press, and as senior editor of the ethnic studies journal Kalfou. He chairs the board of directors of the African American Policy Forum and the UCSB Center for Black Studies Research, and is a member of the advisory board of the Fair Housing Clinic at the John Marshall Law School. In 2013 the American Studies Association awarded Lipsitz the Angela Y. Davis Prize for public scholarship.
Michigan Sociological Association
2015 Conference Program:
8:30 – 9:45 A.M.
I. Session: The Family Forecast is Troubled
Organizer: Donna Giuliani, Delta College • Room 2301
1. Brigitte Bechtold, Central Michigan University
Patriarchy’s role in infanticide and familicide
2. Brigit Dyer, Wayne State University
Family cultural capital as a barrier to college success
3. Sandra King, St. John Providence Health System
Identifying Social Capital Indicators Among Women at High Risk for Having a Child Born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
4. Mellissa K. Wright, Michigan State University
Moving Beyond Race, Sex, and Education: Exploring the Relationship Between Disability and Long-Term Welfare Receipt
II. Session: Sociological Engagements
Facilitator: Amanda Garrison, Central Michigan University • Room 2337
1. Kathleen Levinstein and Jia Ireland, University of Michigan-Flint
Assisting the Struggle: The Impact of White Anti-Racist Instruction in Academia
2. Kaleema Annie Sumareh, Wayne State University
Human Agency and Social Movement Activism: Exploring Activists’ Framing of Welfare Rights as Human Rights
3. Kathryn Schellenberg and Dana Dyson, University of Michigan – Flint
The Readability of Civil Legal Aid Websites
4. Brad Bender, Central Michigan University
A Comparative Analysis of Criminal Justice Policies in the United States of America and Finland
III. Session: Arts in Detention: A Collaborative Approach
Organizer and Chair: Shelley Spivak, University of Michigan – Flint • Room 2331
1. Shelley R. Spivack, University of Michigan-Flint
Director, Buckham/GVRC Share Art Project
2. Colette Legault- Fields, University of Michigan-Flint
Coordinator, Buckham/GVRC Share Art Project
3. Ella J. Thorpe, University of Michigan-Flint
Instructor, Buckham/GVRC Share Art Project
4. Emma Davis, University of Michigan-Flint
Instructor, Buckham/GVRC Share Art Project
5. Kaylee Davis, University of Michigan-Flint
Research Assistant - Buckham/GVRC Share Art Project
6. A'delea Buckley, Mott Community College
Student-Buckham/GVRC Share Art Project
IV. Teaching Circle: Teaching (Sociology) in the 21st Century
Facilitators: Chuck Bowden and Jessica Chemberlin, Mid Michigan Community College
with featured Flint Community School activists and advocates • Room 2325
1. Dawn Demps , Urban Center for Post-Secondary Access and Success and Citizens to End the School to Prison Pipeline
2. Jeff Bean, Ferris State University/Flint Community Schools (retired)
3. Loren Gillespie, Jr., Flint Community Schools (retired)
4. DeWaun Robinson, A.V.E . Program
5. David Courter, University of Michigan-Flint
6. Kelly Fields, Flint Community and Flint Community Schools
BREAK: 9:45 – 10:00 a.m. – Join us for coffee and refreshments in the lobby.
10:00 – 11:15 A.M.
I. Session: Coercive Sexuality
Organizer: Donna Giuliani, Delta College • Room 2307
1. Chuck Bowden, Mid Michigan Community College
Fighting the Culture of Rape One Penis Lamp at a Time
2. Sasha Drummond-Lewis, University of Michigan-Flint
Gendered Acceptance of Sex Work
3. Heather Mooney, Wayne State University
High Heels Serve Sex & Gender on a Pedestal
4. Bonnie Wright, Ferris State University
Human Trafficking is a Capitalist Endeavor Requiring Revolutionary Solutions,
II. Session: Service Learning and Civic Engagement
Organizer and Chair: Karen Lang Krause, Saginaw Valley State University • Room 2337
1. Charles Thomas, University of Michigan-Flint
Civic Engagement in the Classroom
2. Bill Mathews and Luzdelys Andarcia, Mid-Michigan Community College
Local and International Service Learning at a Small Rural College: The Experience at Mid Michigan Community College
3. Michelle Proctor, Madonna University
The Benefits of a Successful Service Learning course in Humane Education
4. Paris Lynn Freeman, Gerard Robertson, and Paul Draus, University of Michigan-Dearborn
The Greening of West Grand Boulevard
III. Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program
Organizer and Chair: Elizabeth Bradshaw, Central Michigan University • Room 2325
1. Justin Smith, Central Michigan University
2. Paul Draus, University of Michigan-Dearborn
3. Julia Cuneo, Inside Out Program
4. Christa Hegenauer, Central Michigan University
5. Rianne Leslie, Central Michigan University
6. Nicole Kwiatkowski, Central Michigan University
7. Sharif Gordon-Nix, Central Michigan Correctional Facility
IV. Round Table Discussion: The Continuing Significance of Race
Session Chair/Moderator: Kalvin DaRonne Harvell, Henry Ford College • Room 2321
1. Discussant – Dawn Hinton, Saginaw Valley State University
2. Discussant – George Lipsitz, University of California – Santa Barbara
3. Discussant – Laura MacIntyre, University of Michigan-Flint
11:30 A.M. – 1:30 P.M.
Keynote Speaker & Awards Ceremony
Held in the Riverfront Banquet Center
Keynote Address:
“Time Has Come Today: Why Sociology Matters Now”
Dr. George Lipsitz
University of California – Santa Barbara
1:45 – 3:00 P.M.
I. Continuing the Discussion with George Lipsitz
Session Organizer and Moderator: Laura MacIntyre, University of Michigan-Flint • Room 2337
1. Larry Reynolds, Michigan Sociological Association
2. Larry Koch, University of Michigan-Flint
3. Cedric Taylor, Central Michigan University
4. Natasha Thomas-Jackson, Raise It Up!
II. Intersectionality
Organizer and Chair: Dawn Hinton, Saginaw Valley State University • Room 2307
1. Zach Oaster, Western Michigan University
A false victimology? Victim claims as an exploit of privilege
2. Syed S. Uddin-Ahmed, Mid-Michigan Community College
The Politics of the Hijab: Comparative Views of French and Americans on the Hijab
3. Amanda Garrison, Central Michigan University
Plunging into the Public Depths: Institutional Ethnography as Curricular Practice
4. Fenobia Dallas, Saginaw Valley State University
Revisiting the Community School; The New Community Resource Center
III. Student Paper Session
Organizer and Facilitator: Dawn Hinton, Saginaw Valley State University • Room 2315
1. Elizabeth A. Kellogg, Michigan State University: Prison Rehabilitation and Its Effects
2. Morgan C. Dalrymple, Madonna University: Internet Usage: Effects and Well-Being and Easing Loneliness in the Aged
3. Jordan Pallo, Grand Valley State University: The Perpetuation of the Music Industry
4. Glen Griffin and Chelsea Parkinson, University of Michigan-Flint: Research Assistants working with faculty
IV. Session: M.A.D.E. Institute
Organizer and Chair: Leon El Alamin • Room 2331
1. Leon EL-Alamin, M.A.D.E. Executive Director
2. Tim Abdual Matin, M.A.D.E. Outreach Director
3. Charmel Allen, M.A.D.E. Mentor
BREAK: 3:00 – 3:15 p.m. – Join us for coffee and refreshments in the lobby.
3:15 – 4:30 P.M.
I. Round Table Discussion: Women and Mentoring for Institutional Transformation in Higher Education - Considering the Possibilities • Room 2331
1. Heather Laube, University of Michigan-Flint
2. Jill Gillespie, Denison University
3. Qiana Towns, Southern New Hampshire University
4. Patricia Emenyonu, University of Michigan-Flint
II. Session: Sociology and the role of Revolutionary Art in the Community
Organizer and Chair: Michael Macaluso, Grand Valley State University • Room 2325
1. Desiree Duell, Independent Community Artist
A Body of Water
2. Amanda Garrison, Central Michigan University
Taking Risks with Art and Racism: Hydras, Fascism and Collective Action
3. Nayyirah Shariff, Flint Community Activist
Black Twitter: #BLM, #Occupy and Activism in the age of Social Media
4. Simon J. Purdy, Western Michigan University
Online and Offline Civic Engagement, the Effects of Internet Use
III. Public Sociology, Private Space and the Right to the City
Facilitator: Michael Sabbagh, Wayne State University • Room 2307
1. Cedrick G. Heraux, Adrian College
The Rhetoric of Legitimizing Police Violence in the Black Community
2. Randall Wyatt, Wayne State University
To be Black in the City: Exploring the Intersection of Race, Race Stratification Beliefs, and Support for Postindustrial Cities
3. Jacob Lederman, University of Michigan-Flint
From Dingy to Diverse: The New York Times’ Discourse on Race and Neighborhood Diversity, 1970-2010
4. Genine M. Hayden, Mid Michigan Community College
Public Sociology: Taking it to the Streets
IV. Session: Religious Secular Discourse and Sociological Theory
Chair: Nicholas Budimir, Muskegon Community College • Room 2315
1. Abdullah F. Alrebh, Michigan State University
Cognitive Dissonance in the Religious Healing: Case Study Christian Science Church
2. Rachel Schroder, Western Michigan University
“The Enemies of the Church”: Religion, Artistic Expression, and the Culture Wars in Russia
3. Rosina Hassoun, Saginaw Valley State University
Intersectionality and Arab Americans: A Crossroads of Race, Ethnicity, Religion and Refugees
V. Session: Critical Race Discourses
Session Organizer and Chair: Kalvin DaRonne Harvell, Henry Ford College • Room 2337
1. Granton Brooks, Independent Scholar
I.S.P. (Intermediate School Prisons) Pipeline from Urban Schools to Prison: A Critical Race Discussion
2. Ashley Edwards, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Double Consciousness and Maintaining the Self: Black Women and Hair
3. De'Andre L. Shepard, University of Michigan-Flint
Embracing a Critical Race Discourse Concerning the Challenges of the Urban Male Student Athlete